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3 SVR Flex Trumpet Mouthpiece

(1 customer review)

From: $245.00


Flex Trumpet Mouthpiece

Click picture for Flex Mouthpiece Concepts

Mt. Vernon Bach 3 Rim – Inner Diameter = .655″ (16.64 mm)
Our 3 SVR Flex trumpet mouthpiece is a great choice for a player who likes a traditional Schilke 14a4A, or Reeves 42/S but prefers a Bach 3 rim.

Players coming from a Reeves 42/S, Schilke 14A4a or equivalent report our Flex 3 SVR is 10-30% easier to play with better intonation and a more resonant sound.
This is due to our advanced acoustic design and Flex Alloy.

How to Choose/Order

1. Choose an Acoustic Series Click here for Series Advice
2. Choose Silver or Gold Plating
3. Choose three Flex Couplers (included with mouthpiece price)
Click here for how to choose Flex Couplers (Advice and Details)


A Flex Coupler is needed to use this mouthpiece (3 are included in price).
Contact Us with any questions you may have.
(Acoustic Series are listed in order of popularity for this mouthpiece)



This is due to our advanced acoustic design and Flex Alloy.

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